ADC e comportamenti arbitrari

Luglio 3, 2009 EcoAnemia

ADC e comportamenti arbitrari

ADC e comportamenti arbitrari
ADC e comportamenti arbitrari

Altro dialogo (purtroppo questo reale al 100%, quello di prima era solo simulato anche se assai verosimile).
Questa volta sono io la protagonista, e dall’altra parte ci sta il customer care del mio broker.
Dopo due ticket aperti e due tentativi precedenti andati a vuoto.

L.: Hello, this is Luca. How may I help you ?
V. : Hi Luca, thx for your patience

V.: I have a problem to solve about right issues for the stock TOM2, because today is the first record day for rights offering and I don’t have my rights –  that I would like to trade – in my portfolio
V.: How can I solve this problem ?

L.: Unfortunately till today we didn’t received the rights in question on our depository in order to be able to put them in to your account.
L : this should occur today as far as I could
L: heard by our claring dept.

V: ah, ok. So I will find the rights when ? This afternoon ? Next Monday (absurd, the record date for rights offering is set to 2 July 2009 at 17:40 CET  and exercise period runs from 09:00 on 3 July 2009 until 15:00 on 13 July 2009. Rump offering  – if any – is expected to take place on 14 July 2009
L: I hope so

L: I can’t confirm 100 %
L: but I’m pretty

L: confident that will happen
V: Ok, I understand. But when ?
V: Because I think the problem could be due because
V: today is the first day of rights offering and US offices are closed ? Absurd, the clearing for Euronext is european

L: this can also be
L: but can’t confirm
V: ok
V: but the rights should always be received in portfolio from the first day of trading

L: As I referred
L: as soon as we receive them
L: will be booked into
L: your account

V: ok
L: you’re very welcome
L: have a nice day
L: bye

Mah, roba da scaraventargli addosso di tutto, non caricare i diritti sin dal primo giorno di contrattazione è roba da banchetta rionale di periferia, non di un broker iperautomatizzato .

A meno che non sia il classico metodo squallido con cui vogliono costringere i possessori dei diritti ad aderire forzatamente all’ADC non rendendo conveniente rivendere a mercato i diritti (per la cronaca per ora stanno comprando il titolo e conseguentemente facendo salire i diritti).