Luglio 20, 2010 EcoAnemia
BoJ in action in the night
IBM Revenue Comes At $23.7 BN On Expectations Of $24.1 BN, Guides FYE EPS Down By 0.03, Stock Down $4 AH
Risultati molto deludenti per IBM, che perde 4$ nell’after hours trascinando in rosso i futures :
Ma la Boj è pesantemente intervenuta questa notte sui mercati, riportando in verde gli indici mondiali (escluso il Nikkei che va sempre più giù) :
Sempre carry-trade, of course :
Per altro, se si guarda lo Spoore giornaliero, pare che il destino sia segnato sul breve, visto che il mercato immobiliare tornerà presto ai minimi :
Today’s National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index update for July was yet another confirmation of the deterioration in the economic sentiment, and the US consumer’s unwillingness to spend on homes absent tax rebates and other forms of stimulus, regardless of mortgage rates.
The index came at 14, below expectations of a 16 reading, and a drop from downward revised 16 in June (prior 17).
Mentre continuano ad arrivare le indiscrezioni sui risultati degli stress test, e pare che la disastratissima Hypo Real Estate Bank sia in difficoltà, come riporta Bloomberg :
Hypo Real Estate Holding AG, the German lender taken over by the government following the financial crisis, failed a Europe-wide banking stress test, two people familiar with the results said.
Hypo Real Estate didn’t pass a stress scenario on its capital that assumes an economic slowdown and sovereign-debt losses, said the people, who declined to be identified before an announcement on July 23.
An official at Munich-based Hypo Real Estate declined to comment.
Poco da aggiungere, se non che chiusa una falla nel golfo del Messico, se ne è riaperta almeno un’altra ; sembra l’immagine che si vede nei cartoni animati o nei fumetti Walt Disney quando con i cerotti si chiude il tubo e dall’altra parte ci sono copiose perdite, ma purtroppo in questo caso è tutto vero.
A federal official says scientists are concerned about a seep and possible methane near BP’s busted oil well in the Gulf of Mexico.Both could be signs there are leaks in the well that’s been capped off for three days.
The official spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity Sunday because an announcement about the next steps had not been made yet.
The official is familiar with the spill oversight but would not clarify what is seeping near the well.
The official says BP is not complying with the government’s demand for more monitoring.
E le speculazioni sul titolo naturalmente continuano :