Bolivia : il referendum ignorato

Maggio 4, 2008 EcoAnemia

Bolivia : il referendum ignorato

[…]Bolivia Santa Cruz department is about to push the country towards the brink of a crisis when it holds a referendum on further autonomy from the central government.

If approved today 4 May, the statutes of autonomy could give the eastern department more control over land and taxes and more local decision-making.

The government has declared the referendum illegal as it lacks the authorisation of the National Electoral Court.

[…]Bolivia has a long history of weak government and strong civil organisations which put pressure on the state to further their demands.

il referendum ignorato

 […]the current conflict is one of the most serious in the countrys history.
Several factors have combined to bring Bolivia closer to the brink.

The draft constitution put forth by the government threatens the business and land-holding elites of Santa Cruz.
Proposals to limit large land holdings and the government policy to promote land reform have provoked strong reactions.

There is a heightened ethnic dimension to the conflict.
The draft constitution would give significant new powers to Bolivias indigenous groups, which the last census said made up more than 60% of the population.

Other referendums on greater autonomy are to be held in the three other departments .Two others are considering doing the same.

Since 2005, departments have had their own elected prefects running them. This has given them more political power, particularly for opposition parties.

[…]The referendum in Santa Cruz is likely to be approved by a large majority, although there may be significant abstention.

Fonte : BBC

Che dire…tutto il mondo è paese.

ado bolivia

In Bolivia le regioni più ricche dell’Est (quelle che tengono su l’economia dell’intero paese, notoriamente non certo ricco) hanno nei fatti dichiarato l’autonomia dal governo centrale, da sancire tramite un referendum che si terrà oggi e che sembra sia scontato da tutti gli osservatori esteri che abbia esito positivo.

La polizia boliviana davanti alla sede di Entel, controllata da Telecom (Foto Afp)

Il governo centrale naturalmente rifiuta e dichiara una possibile repressione.

Sorprendente che nessuno nei mass media (quantomeno italiani) parli di questa vicenda che in ogni caso è destinata a lasciare un segno.