Addio, Casper

Gennaio 24, 2010 Mici amici

Casper, addio

The story of Casper the commuter cat, who politely waited in line with bus passengers before contentedly making his way around Plymouth, made headlines and brought smiles across the world.

Sadly, the cat’s love of the open road proved to be his undoing after he was killed by a hit-and-run driver, it emerged today.
A notice at the cat’s usual bus stop said : “Many local people knew Casper, who loved everyone. He also enjoyed the bus rides.

Sadly, a driver hit him… and failed to stop.

Casper died from his injuries.
He will be greatly missed … he was a much loved pet who had so much character.
Thank you to all who befriended him”.

Casper’s life on the buses attracted international attention last year.
It emerged that he had been travelling on the No 3 bus for four years, passing the Devon town’s historic dockyard and naval base on the way.

He had a tendency to curl up in a seat, or sometimes purr around the legs of fellow passengers, all the way to the final stop, where he would stay and make the return journey.
Drivers got used to letting him off at the right stop.

His owner, Sue Finden, said she had never understood what he was doing until a bus driver let her in on Casper’s travel secret: “I couldn’t believe it at first, but it explains a lot.

He loves people and we have a bus stop right outside our house, so that must be how he started – just following everyone around,” she said at the time.

Fonte : thisisplymouth

Una brutta notizia per noi gattofili.
È stato travolto da un pirata della strada.

Si chiamava Casper ed era un micetto inglese diventato famoso in tutto il mondo perché, da quattro anni, era abituato a prendere puntualmente la fermata n° 3 dell’autobus di Plymouth, a farsi un giro per tutta la città e poi a tornare dalla sua padrona.

Casper, Addio
Casper, Addio

Casper era diventato una mascotte per tutti, suscitava sorrisi e buoni sentimenti in chiunque lo vedesse salire educatamente sull’autobus per accomodarsi in un posto libero, oppure, se i posti erano occupati, per strusciarsi amichevolmente tra le gambe dei passeggeri che lo conoscevano e gli facevano le feste ogni volta che lo vedevano.

Naturalmente gli hanno anche dedicato una targhetta ricordo alla fermata n° 3 di Plymouth ; il micetto rallegrava le giornate di tutti, conducenti dell’autobus compresi.

E poi c’è chi dice che il proverbio “Più conosco l’uomo, più amo gli animali !” non sia vero.

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