Aprile 9, 2010 EcoAnemia
Game over
Alert !
Secondo Bloomberg, i Bonds greci a 3 mesi hanno le prime proposte in acquisto in questo momento ad un rendimento (teorico) del 21.3% .
Se così è realmente, siamo alla fine della storia.
Game over.
Anche perchè sembrerebbe che :
[Greece plans to sell €600 million in 6 Month and €600 million in 12 Month Bills on April 13.
Sorry, if the 3M is anywhere close to 14% bid (let alone 21%), this is not happening.
In addition, the country faces E8.22 billion in bond redemptions on Apr 20, E1.585 billion in T-bill redemptions on Apr 23, a E2.278 billion coupon payment on May 10 and E8.086 billion in bond redemption on May 19.
The PDMA debt chief Petros Christodoulou has already hinted that April’s funding needs are taken care of, but that the country needs to raise E11.6 billion by May.
Questo spiegherebbe la ridicola seduta dell’azionario cui stiamo assistendo oggi.