How many stories like this again ?

Settembre 11, 2013 Mode personaggi storie comuni

How many stories like this again ?

Kuwaitis have called for stern action against a family in Yemen after their eight-year-old daughter died of internal injuries on the first night of her arranged marriage to a man more than five times her age.

Rawan died in the town of Hardh in the Hajjah governorate in northwestern Yemen, the Kuwaiti daily Al Watan reported Sunday, citing Yemeni media.

She is believed to have suffered a rupture of her genitals and severe bleeding.

Yemeni activists called on local police to arrest the “animal groom” and the girl’s family and hand them over to a court where justice would be served and the case would be used to help end the practice of marrying very young girls in the impoverished country, the daily said.

Naturalmente, non è la prima volta che sentiamo parlare di spose bambine e di uomini che vogliono imporre il loro dominio sulle donne.
Quante altre storie simili verranno alla luce da luoghi come lo Yemen ?

Qualche protesta e niente di più.
Non cambia nulla.

Quando alcuni occidentali criticano aspramente il proprio Paese, riflettete sulle ragioni addotte per giustificare il lavoro minorile.

How many stories like this again

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