Luglio 1, 2010 EcoAnemia
I soliti inutili blabla
The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday approved a landmark overhaul of financial regulations but the Senate put off action until mid-July, delaying a final victory for President Barack Obama.
Still, the 237 to 192 vote in the House marked a win for Obama and his fellow Democrats, who have made the most sweeping rewrite of Wall Street rules since the 1930s a top priority in the wake of the 2007-2009 financial crisis.
“That’s why were are here today, to make sure that never happens again,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said. “We will pass the toughest set of Wall Street reforms in generations.”
The bill would impose tighter regulations on financial firms and reduce their profits.
It would boost consumer protections, force banks to reduce risky trading and investing activities and set up a new government process for liquidating troubled financial firms.
La NON riforma del sistema finanziario è passata, al solito nulla cambia.
Nessuna traccia nè della Volcker rule, nè ovviamente della regolamentazione dei prodotti derivati.
I soliti inutili blabla.