My aphorisms

Dicembre 11, 2013 La Medicina dell’Anima

My aphorisms

Le lezioni di vita che ho imparato sono riassunte in questi famosi aforismi :

The essential is invisible to our eyes. (Antoine De Saint-Exupéry)
It is harder to crack prejudice than an atom. (Albert Einstein)

Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act. (George Orwell)
None are more hopelessy enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. (Goethe)

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. (Albert Einstein)
Wall Street is a giant whorehouse, where brokers are pimps and stocks whores, and where customers queued to throw their money away. (Jesse Livermore)

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage. (Anais Nin)
Da bambina mi hanno insegnato che non bisogna attirare l’attenzione e ancor meno dare spettacolo di sé, e io mi sono guadagnata da vivere facendo questo. (Audrey Hepburn)

Dai diamanti non nasce niente, dal letame nascono i fior. (Fabrizio De Andrè)
Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all. (Whitney Houston)

La mia indipendenza, che è la mia forza, implica la solitudine, che è la mia debolezza. (P.P. Pasolini)
It’s a competitive world. Everything counts in large amounts. (Depreche Mode)

We need to experience our feelings,especially the ones we are unwilling to feel.
If we resist them,we wind up creating dramas in our lives so that we have to experience them
. (Ed Seykota)
Non si deve inibire ciò che non si è, ma sublimare ciò che si è .(Veronica Baker)

I always look for patterns and trends in everything.
Following a starting trend is an exercise in observing and responding to the ever-present moment of now
(this is mine, inspired from here)

My aphorisms

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