Panem et circenses

Giugno 16, 2010 EcoAnemia

Panem et circenses

Il sempre puntuale Zerohedge ci informa sulla seguente notizia ignorata dai mass-media :

IMF head Dominique Strauss-Khan is flying to Spain “to discuss global economic developments with the Prime Minister, and to consult with him on developments in Spain, including the government’s economic policies and reforms” according to Reuters .

Interessante il commento alla news :

The last time the IMF sent a delegation to a country was on April 15th when the IMF together with representatives from the EU and ECB took a jaunt over to Athens. A month later the country was insolvent.

Ma soprattutto questo fatto :

The next domino is about to fall, and no matter how much rumored collusion between two French banks and the Federal Reserve is injected, the EURUSD is likely about to tank.

Coincidenze singolari ?


Come anche quella che oggi la Spagna esordisca ai mondiali di calcio proprio mentre è in corso la riunione dell’ IFM.

Panem et circenses.
Aggiornamento delle ore 15.00 : pare che ci siano problemi e che abbiano “smarrito” i 250Mln di € del fondo di salvataggio per la Spagna.

Ecco le ultime notizie provenienti da Market News :

A European Commission spokesman today “firmly” denied a Spanish press report that Spain was in negotiations with the European Union, the International Monetary Fund and the U.S. Treasury for a credit line of up to E250 billion.

Ed inoltre :

The publication, citing sources close to the process, ran the headline of the story along just above a tease to an inside editorial urging Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero to resign.

Il Fondo Monetario Internazionale ovviamente smentisce :

I have a very simple line for you: There is no truth to these rumors.

Ma in modo talmente puerile da capire che mentono senza avere bisogno di leggere fra le righe :

He (Strauss-Kahn) is in Europe this week, and is taking this opportunity to discuss global economic developments with the Prime Minister, and to consult with him on developments in Spain, including the government’s economic policies and reforms.

Nessuna menzione al bail-out ovviamente.

La reazione dei mercati ?

Apparentemente poco da segnalare, ma intanto nel silenzio generale l’€/CHF ha perso nel frattempo quota 1.39.

Panem et circenses

C’è un’unica direzione possibile dell’€ nel medio/lungo periodo, indipendentemente dalle manipolazioni sul breve : verso Sud.