Point of no return ?

Aprile 24, 2008 EcoAnemia

Point of no return ?

[…]Afghanistan’s opium crop is forecast to shrink by as much as half this year after 2007’s record harvest, counter-narcotics officials in Kabul said, as evidence emerges that some poppy farmers are switching to legal crops because of rising food prices. […]

Point of no return

[…]Anecdotally, a lot of farmers have calculated that, with wheat prices being what they are, they can make money out of planting wheat”, he said.
He added he was not claiming this suggested “that we have in some way turned the corner” in efforts to suppress the opium trade […]

Oggi è più remunerativo coltivare frumento piuttosto che oppio.

Se pure gli afghani sono giunti a questo, significa che i prezzi delle materie prime, soprattutto alimentari, sono destinati sul lungo periodo a salire inesorabilmente.