Settembre 23, 2012 Il Great Reset del WEF, MacroEcoAnemia
Ray Dalio : sudamericanizzazione del Mediterraneo
Ecco i passaggi salienti dell’ultima intervista (una delle rarissime) concessa da Ray Dalio, che, come ricorderete, è uno degli esponenti di spicco del WEF.
“The countries of southern Europe are facing a 10 to 15 year controlled depression, which could lead to social unrest similar to that which led to the rise of the Nazis in Germany in the 30s of the 20th century”.
“I think we will see a combination of monetary measures and money printing aimed at alleviating the depression”.
“At the same time, we will see lower debt levels and debt restructuring … There will be both, as necessary to relieve the debt burden in order to achieve higher growth than bond yields.
This process, however, worry whether”.“I fear that another recession could lead to social unrest. Reducing debt levels can be very painful – it all depends on how this process is managed”.
“When people are at each other’s throats – rich against poor, left against right – the situation is very worrying.
Hitler came to power in 1933 when the Great Depression was at its worst.
What it did was increase tensions between ideological factions and social groups in society”.
Basta ascoltare come parlano – e soprattutto come agiscono – i nuovi illuminati paladini nazionali del rinnovamento italiano (finanziati da chi ? Basta leggere l’archivio) per capire come andrà a finire ancora una volta la storia.
Questo sito (e soprattutto la scrivente) ne è infatti da anni testimone : il Mediterraneo si sta sudamericanizzando.