Ottobre 6, 2008 EcoAnemia
Salvataggio in corner
[…]The German government and the country’s banks and insurers agreed on a 50 billion euro ($68 billion) rescue package for commercial property lender Hypo Real Estate Holding AG after an earlier bailout faltered.
The government and the Bundesbank have said that Hypo Real Estate, Germany’s second-biggest property lender, is too big to fail.
They met with banks and insurers in Berlin all day yesterday to discuss a revamped rescue package after private banks on Saturday withdrew their support for a 35 billion-euro rescue package brokered a week ago.[…]
Fonte :
E così, come mi aspettavo, il governo tedesco e le banche hanno raggiunto un accordo per salvare dal fallimento l’istituto per il credito immobiliare Hypo Real Estate.
50 miliardi di € la linea di credito per evitare il collasso della quarta banca tedesca.