Venti di guerra e di sommosse popolari

Maggio 20, 2010 EcoAnemia

Venti di guerra e di sommosse popolari

La situazione sta iniziando a divenire sempre più calda nel mondo, ogni giorno si aprono nuovi fronti sempre più preoccupanti.

Ieri Thailandia, oggi Korea.
Il fatto non è nuovo e risale a circa un mese fa, ma le cose si stanno terribilmente complicando , ecco cosa riporta a riguardo il Financial Times :

South Korea officially announced that a North Korean submarine torpedoed one of its warships in March, a verdict that opens the path towards referring Pyongyang to the United Nations Security Council.

Shortly after the announcement, The White House issued a strong condemnation of North Korea’s attack and said it would support Seoul in its attempts to “secure justice for the 46 service members killed”. In response, Pyongyang threatened “strong measures”, including war, if the South attempted to ratchet up international sanctions.

Venti di guerra e di sommosse popolari

China – North Korea’s only major political and economic backer – urged both North and South Korea to show restraint amid fears that the dispute could have repercussions around the region. Japan, a member of the six-party talks on denuclearising North Korea, joined others in condemning Pyongyang.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu said his government had “noted” the official report, published by South Korea adding that Beijing would make its own assessment of the investigation.

Una crisi al momento solo diplomatica che però rischia – anche per ovvi motivi politici – di divenire reale .

Mentre sono realissime queste immagini che provengono live da Atene :

Athens 5.20

Ogni commento è superfluo, naturalmente, ma è interessante leggere le seguenti considerazioni provenienti dalla BBC :

“Much of Greece’s transport network has been immobilised, as trade unions stage another 24-hour general strike against austerity measures. Ferries are tied up in port, railway stations shut, and the Labour Ministry occupied by communist protesters.

Organisers are hoping that up to 100,000 people will join protests on the streets later.

There are fears of renewed violence after protests in Athens two weeks ago led to the deaths of three people.

The country’s main civil service and public sector unions say they represent some 2.5 million workers. “People are bleeding financially but they will participate in the strike,”

E sentire fra le indiscrezioni del giorno il blocco per 3 anni dei salari dei dipendenti pubblici francesi mi fa temere che anche in Francia – dove in quanto a proteste e sommosse popolari non sono secondi a nessuno in Europa – si possano presto vedere situazioni come quella appena mostrata ad Atene.