Verso Sud

Giugno 1, 2010 EcoAnemia

Verso Sud

Non molto buona la situazione degli spread obbligazionari dei PIIGS rispetto al benchmark tedesco ad inizio settimana :

Verso Sud

Per la cronaca, Italia a +145 Bps in questo momento, come si può vedere facilmente.

La giornata di ieri – oltre ai tragici fatti ben noti capitati in Israele – è stata caratterizzata dalle dimissioni a sorpresa del presidente tedesco Horst Kohler per divergenze con il governo sulla politica estera in Afghanistan , come riporta lo Spiegel:

German President Horst Köhler announced his resignation on Monday in response to fierce criticism of comments he made about Germany’s military mission in Afghanistan.
“I declare my resignation from the office of president — with immediate effect,” Köhler, with tears in his eyes and speaking in a faltering voice, said in a statement, flanked by his wife Eva-Luise.
The president is the head of state and his duties are largely ceremonial. But the resignation is the latest in a string of setbacks for Chancellor Angela Merkel since her re-election last September. The German federal assembly — made up of parliamentary MPs and delegates appointed by the country’s 16 federal states — will have to vote for a successor to Köhler within 30 days, according to the federal constitution.
The president had become the target of intense criticism following remarks he made during a surprise visit to soldiers of the Bundeswehr German army in Afghanistan on May 22. In an interview with a German radio reporter who accompanied him on the trip, he seemed to justify his country’s military missions abroad with the need to protect economic interests.

Qualche dubbio su quale sarà la direzione oggi, in particolare dell’€ ?
Verso Sud.